Kaiser Permanente Northwest
Westside Medical Center Volunteer Services
Volunteers provide an important service to the members of Westside Medical Center in Hillsboro, Oregon. Whether it be assisting someone to check in, providing support to in our inpatient areas or lend assistance with a wheelchair, our volunteers are there. Westside facility was built in 2013 to meet LEED standards (built with the most environmentally friendly standards available). As our hospital surpassed the 10 year mark, we are proud of the connections we have developed within our community and how our volunteers have stepped forward to be part of a strong volunteer program. Our volunteers are proud of what makes this facility so good-the people who call this their place of work or where they volunteer.
It has been proven that volunteering helps people feel connected, can reduce loneliness and depression. It helps to keep you active and has been linked to reduced blood pressure and stress.
Kaiser Westside hospital volunteers are awesome! They include high school students, college students, graduate students, adults in the middle of their careers and adults retired from their careers. They come from all walks of life and varied experiences. They have this in common-they give of their time and talents.
We are always looking for that individual who is willing to share their heart and time with our members. Perhaps you are that individual. Do you want others to feel valued and appreciated? Do you want to get out of the house or find time to fulfill a requirement for a scholarship? Do you want to be a Kaiser hospital volunteer? We invite you to apply – today!
Why Volunteer?
Help others and give back
Meet new people
Learn new skills
Discover new interests
Gain academic credit
Free meal on the day of service
Annual recognition
Annual complimentary flu vaccine
Gain experience in a healthcare setting

Volunteer Opportunities
Main Lobby (Rotunda)
Wheelchair Transports
Environment of Care Reviews
Hand Hygiene Audits
Emergency Department
Surgical Services Unit SPA/PACU
Medical Procedure Unit (MPU)
Surgical Services Waiting Room Support
Medical-Surgical Units
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Maternal Child Women’s Health (L&D)
Environmental Services Support
Administrative Assistant - limited
Packet Production
Administrative Support
Conduct Safety Tours
Special Projects
Operations Support
In Patient Pharmacy Admis. support
Knitting and Sewing*
Chaplain Trainee Program
(Requires acceptance from Hospital Chaplain)
Summer Only programs vary-see list in Pre NVO PP
*Hourly commitment varies. Inquire for more information
Types of Volunteers
Adults (Not Attending College)
Chaplain Trainee Program (CPE)
Summer Compressed
High School (16 - Graduation)
Volunteer Stories
What Volunteers are saying
“ I volunteer because it makes me feel good as the people I interact with are really appreciative of my hospital visits with my dog and constantly tell me that. I had planned to volunteer on a regular basis when I retired and wanted to work with a different clientele than I did when I taught. Kaiser Westside has that small community feel that embraces all who visit, volunteer or stay there.”
“After about five years of being retired, I decided I was ready for a weekly commitment that used my skills but did not carry the stress of the job from which I’d retired. The KWMC Volunteer Manager was able to accommodate my request, and the position she put me in is a perfect match between what I’m good at and what help the KWMC staff needs. I’ve also appreciated the flexibility I’ve had to adjust my schedule at KWMC so that I can continue to travel . . . a high priority for me in my retirement years.””
Now that I have applied, what can I expect to happen next? Your application will be reviewed. If we are able to move forward, you will be invited to attend an interview. We also require a background check, health screen, on-boarding, and training. For High School students, we need signed parent permission forms and unofficial transcripts submitted prior to the interview. Depending on how quickly you can provide the information needed, this entire process can take approximately up to one month.
Is there a baby rocking program? Westside does not have a baby rocking program but we suggest you contact your local public high school to see if they have a parent/baby program. Many programs have opportunities for volunteers to rock and work with babies and young children. We do not endorse any program and cannot tell you the volunteer requirements for each program, so we suggest you contact your local high school for availability and requirements.
What if my personal schedule changes and I can’t commit to my volunteer schedule? We understand that everyone has lives and other commitments. We will work with you to find a new schedule that suits your needs. However, we do ask for consistency for at least a period of three months in order to ensure you can meet the minimum program requirement.
I just can’t volunteer all year long because I have outside activities for school. How can I do some volunteering? We understand how crazy school schedules can be, so we have developed an 8x8 program for high school students and an 8x10 for college students. This opportunity is available during the summer. You can check it out by going into the summer compressed page.
Is there public transportation available? We do have access to public transportation at the end of the block and some individuals use this. However, we do not provide bus passes.
If I want to do a job shadow, how do I do that? Job shadows in Kaiser NW region are integral to our mission. Whether the shadow be in a clinic, our hospitals or another Kaiser NW facility, we seek to provide the best opportunity and process for shadows. Currently this program is under review and is not fully operational within the region. As information becomes available, this site will be updated.
What do I have to wear when I volunteer? The volunteer program provides a polo shirt or vest for you to wear. If you elect to wear a vest, then you will need to provide a white or black shirt to wear underneath. All volunteers must wear khaki/beige colored or black pants (no shorts) and closed toe shoes. In addition, long hair must be pulled back.
I need volunteer hours for a school program. How quickly can I get hours for my class? We are excited to have our high school (over age 16) and college students as part of our volunteer program. We have requirements for both length of time and the number of hours you must complete to fulfill your volunteer service. If these requirements also fit your program or class, that is great. What we cannot do is fit our requirements to that of your program or class.
I don’t want to have a set schedule but just come when I can. Will this work for Kaiser? Most volunteer opportunities at Kaiser require a weekly commitment. This is due to the amount of training and needs of the areas where volunteers serve. However, at Westside we do have a specific service area that allows for a limited number of on-call volunteers.
Do you have a gift shop I can work in? Unfortunately we do not currently have a gift shop open at Westside.

More Information
While our team is made up of many volunteers, it is managed by our manager and coordinator who are committed to bringing excellence to member care experience at Westside Medical Center.
Our team is available to answer and questions you may have about the Westside Medical Center Volunteer Program and the volunteer application process. Call our program at (971) 310-3135.