DRAFT Process for Volunteer N95 Mask Fit Test
This page will guide volunteers, who are willing and able, to get fit tested for N95 masks. Fit testing is a 4 step process and will renew annually (every fall). This is an opt-in process for volunteers, so they can serve in assignments that require a fit tested N95.
Check point: if you have any preexisting conditions that are pulmonary or lung illnesses, cardiovascular problems (including heart attack or high blood pressure) or other conditions which may include seizures, eye irritation, skin allergies or rashes, anxiety, this may not be for you.
Step 1
Complete this online education and attestation
MS Form Attestation:
Step 2
Log onto your ReadySet account https://kp.readysetsecure.com/rs/
and complete the N95 Fit Test survey.
All survey statuses will have a green checkmark under status when you are finished
Check Point: Step 1 and Step 2 must be completed before you can move to Step 3.
Step 3
Call Jody at xxx-xxx-xxxx to set up a fit test in person.
Step 4
Repeat this step EVERY September to remain in up to date and in compliance.
NEED MASKS? Contact your Volunteer Coordinator for your supply of masks.